Power Players Wiki
Sarge Charge Final Icon Transparent This page is a transcript for "That Slobot is No Bot of Mine". Feel free to edit or add to this page as long as the information comes directly from the episode.
Previous: "Friends War"
Next: "Bowling for Ballers"
[ Theme Song ]

Scene: Axel's room. Masko and Bearbarian are both fighting in a wrestling match at Masko's wrestling ring.

Masko: I make the flying leap jump! (He jumps up)
Bearbarian: Better hope it beats my hammer! (He jumps up as well) Roar! You're going down!
Masko: In the bear's dream. (He grabs a miniature chair that's in his wrestling ring and starts spinning it around) Spinning Chair grab! Ha, ha!
(Masko throws the chair at Bearbarian, but Bearbarian uses his World Breaker and knocks it aside)
Bearbarian: Ha! Missed by a mile! Not even close!
(Masko appears behind Bearbarian)
Masko: Not the chair, no.
(Masko is grabs Bearbarian mid-air)
Bearbarian: A trick? Aaah!
(Masko laughs as he smashes Bearbarian down to the ground, defeating him)
Masko: Ding! Ding! Ding! Masko win the title!
Bearbarian: This. Isn't. Over!
(Bearbarian claps his hands so loud that it knocks Masko out of his wrestling ring and into a trash can)
Masko: Aaah!
Bearbarian: Ha! Axel! Who is champion of champions?
(Axel is sitting on his bed and he's watching the match the entire time)
Axel: I mean....
Masko: I think it him! I know it is the me!
Axel: You both got good moves in. How about we call it a tie?
Power Players: A tie?
Bearbarian: Bearbarian does not “tie”!
Sarge Charge: What's needed here is a real contest to decide who the champion is!
(Slobot rolls out underneath Axel's bed)
Slobot: Yes. To be fair, we could even isolate specific talents.
Bearbarian: Agreed! We need a full-on trial of strength!
Masko: Strength? Pfft! No. Should be the agility tested instead. Yes?
Axel: Strength? Agility? Did somebody say Action Axel? I'm in!

[Transformation Sequence]

(Axel transforms into Action Axel)

(Later, Action Axel, Masko, and Bearbarian are having a lifting competition. Action Axel is lifting a bowling ball, Masko is lifting six books, while Bearbarian, who is chewing on a lollipop, is lifting an entire bookshelf with Galileo on top of it)
Action Axel: Wow! This is heavy!
Masko: Feel free to drop the out!
Bearbarian: I could do this all day.
(Nearby, Slobot is trying to lift up a poster)
Slobot: I am almost ready to begin.
Action Axel: Ha, ha, ha!
(A crack is heard)
Masko: My legs… (He falls down) they turned to… (He drops the books) The jelly!
(Action Axel falls down for lifting the bowling ball for too long)
Action Axel: W-whoa!
Slobot: Personal victory probability increasing.
Bearbarian: Is he just starting?
Galileo: Sorry, Slobot! We already have a winner for this one! Bearbarian takes it!
Sarge Charge: Yep.
Bearbarian: Roar! Yeah! Ha, ha!
(Much later, the toys are preparing for a race)
Galileo: All right, contestants! Challenge number two! Take your marks!
Action Axel: The agility challenge belongs to this guy! Let's go! (He activates his jet boots)
Galileo: Ready… set... go!
(Action Axel zooms away)
Bearbarian: How did he get the jump?
(Bearbarian and Masko both start running)
Masko: You want the race? Come back here!
(Slobot slowly rolls forward)
Slobot: I am agile!
Action Axel: Screens? Show me the terrain! (Various screens showing the room appear in front of him) Up the ramps, over the books, through the slalom. No problem! (The screens disappear) See ya at the finish line, guys!
Slobot: Not if I see you there first.
Masko: This winner will be me!
(Masko stretches his arms so he could go faster, but Bearbarian grabs it and tosses him aside)
Bearbarian: By my blue fur! I will have victory!
Masko: Aaah! (He lands behind Slobot. After he gets back up, he rushes past Slobot) Coming through!
Action Axel: Second place is still open!
(Action Axel ducks under a skateboard before jumping on top of another one. He climbs up another skateboard and heads to the race car track. Behind him, Bearbarian smashes the first two skateboards, but Masko pass through him)
Masko: I coming the through!
(Action Axel slides down the race car track)
Action Axel: Woohoo!
Bearbarian: Then gimme a lift!
(While Masko climbs up the skateboard, Bearbarian grabs his hand)
Masko: Let go!
Bearbarian: Never! Argh!
(Action Axel skates underneath an upside-down opened book)
Action Axel: Woohoo-hoo!
(Bearbarian and Masko both fall down from the skateboard)
Masko: Aaah!
(Below Bearbarian and Masko, Slobot is slowly rolling on top of the first skateboard)
Slobot: Think I am gaining of them! (He looks up to see Masko about to fall down next to him) Oh!
Masko: Look out in the below!
(Masko lands at one end of the skateboard, causing Slobot, who was at the other end, to get launched up into the air)
Slobot: I am flying! Flying, flying. Or not.
(Slobot is about to fall down near the finish line)
Bearbarian: Me! I can taste sweet victory!
(Slobot is surprised to see the finish line is up ahead, but Sarge and Galileo, who are both sitting on Axel's bed along with Bobbie Blobby, cheer him on)
Sarge Charge: Come on, Slobot!
Galileo: Ho, ho, ho!
Sarge Charge: You can do it.
Galileo: Incredible!
Sarge Charge: Stay on task!
Galileo: Slobot takes the lead!
(Nearby, Action Axel, Bearbarian, and Masko are on the basketballs when they see Slobot in the lead)
Action Axel: How'd they all get ahead? (He rolls onto another race car track) Coming through!
(Meanwhile, Bearbarian, with Masko hanging onto him, accidentally got a toy car stuck on his left foot)
Bearbarian: Whoa! Get off!
Masko: Aaah!
(The three toys all leap past a field of crayons)
Action Axel: One more leap!
Slobot: Almost there!
(Action Axel reaches the finish line first, followed by Bearbarian and Masko)
Masko: Aaah!
Bobbie Blobby: It's really happening.
Sarge Charge: Yep. That was bad.
Galileo: Disqualified!
Bearbarian: What?
Galileo: You're supposed to deal with the obstacles, not smash through them! I declare Axel the winner of the agility challenge!
Action Axel: Yes! Tied! Ha, ha!
Bearbarian: Grr!
Action Axel: One for you, one for me, one to go!
Masko: Hey! You not the only ones still in this!
(Slobot reaches the finish line)
Slobot: Complete! Am I the winner?
(Much later, the toys are doing another course)
Galileo: One win for Bearbarian, one for Axel. The skill challenge will decide! Winner or three-way-tie?
Slobot: Getting ready…
Action Axel: Okay, bring it!
Galileo: Ready and... action!
Action Axel: Like my super blast?
(Action Axel fires out a blast from his armor)
Masko: I just use my fist.
(Masko uses his fist to hit the targets, while Bearbarian throws his World Breaker at them)
Galileo: Three targets hit by Axel! (Slobot is trying to throw a hex nut) And a second for Bearbarian! And three for Masko… now a fourth!
Slobot: Almost ready.
Bobbie Blobby: Yeah, lucky for them I'm not in this.
Sarge Charge: Some of us have nothing to prove, Bobbie.
(Slobot drops the hex nut)
Bobbie Blobby: Oh.
Slobot: Perhaps I should adjust my distance calculator.
Galileo: Masko! Masko again! And Masko! Masko wins the challenge!
Masko: I love!
(Much later, Action Axel, Masko, and Bearbarian are standing on a makeshift podium made out of books)
Galileo: Each of you has won one challenge! It's a tie for the top spot!
Action Axel: Then we need another challenge! A tie-breaker!
Slobot: Yes, another! Perhaps a test of speed so I could try again?
(Action Axel, Masko, and Bearbarian all laugh at Slobot, thinking he's joking, but they all fall down from the book stack)
Galileo: Sorry, Slobot! The extra challenge is to break the tie between the winners.
Bearbarian: I give you this, Slobot. You are my champion of comedy!
Slobot: But I can win. I can be fast. I just need to change who I am, what I am. (He goes underneath Axel's bed and starts inventing something) I will show them.
(A little while later, the toys are about to do the tie-breaker challenge)
Galileo: The tie-breaker challenge will be… Rochambeu! Rock-paper-scissors!
Bobbie Blobby: Hey! Aren't you gonna wait for Slobot? He went to his workshop to get something for the challenge. He's serious about this.
Action Axel: Serious? I thought he was joking. But, I mean, sure. He can still compete.
Masko: He's the good. It's okay.
Bearbarian: Sure. Why not?
(Action Axel, Bearbarian, and Masko all walk to Axel's bed)
Action Axel: Slobot, you ready for the next challenge?
Masko: It no be the same without you!
(Slobot pushes the bed cover away to reveal that he had build a large robot)
Slobot: And it not be the same with me now, either. Meet the new mes. Skillbot, Strongbot, and Staminabot. Built for victory.
(Slobot splits the robot into three separate components)
Action Axel: Ugh… guys?
Slobot: Who's ready to be second place now?
Bearbarian: He doesn't smell right! Something's off.
Action Axel: He's like a totally different toy! But super cool!
Masko: Times the three!
Slobot: Let's see you run now, Axel!
(Skillbot fires a blast near Action Axel, forcing him to start running while Staminabot is gaining on him)
Action Axel: Whoa!
Slobot: Get set… go! You think you are strong, Bearbarian? I am stronger now. (Strongbot punches Bearbarian away) You are good at striking targets, Masko, but are you good at being one?
(Skillbot fires a blast from his eyes, forcing Masko to start running away to avoid the blast)
Masko: Aaah!
Action Axel: Wow! Slobot's really changed!
Masko: I leap! I dodge! I run! (He runs to where the trash can is and he gets inside) I hide!
Bearbarian: Kid! We got a big problem! Three big problems! Argh!
Sarge Charge: Unauthorized upgrades, team! Fall in!
(Strongbot knocks Bearbarian up, launching him into the air)
Bearbarian: Fall in faster!
(Bearbarian lands behind the treasure chest)
Slobot: Come out and compete.
(Masko looks out from the trash can)
Masko: I need the moment. You make me too much out of the breath.
Slobot: Take your time. I have others to best.
Masko: Thanks, my friend. I knew you not so mean after all!
(Skillbot fires a blast at Masko, knocking him back inside the trash can)
Slobot: So, tell me, my friend, who is the champion now?
(Bobbie gets into her mecha-suit)
Bobbie Blobby: Slobot got a bug. Time for some bug spray.
Sarge Charge: Operation Robo Halt! Commence!
(Sarge, Galileo, and Bobbie all fire their weapons at Strongbot)
Bearbarian: Leave the rouge to me!
(Strongbot fires a blast at the four toys, knocking them away. Action Axel watches them from atop his bed)
Action Axel: Why does this not feel like a game anymore? (Staminabot knocks him off the bed) Aaah! I don't know what happened, Slobot, but you're not yourself right now! We're your friends! We don't want to fight you.
Slobot: A champion does not need friends. A champion only needs to win. We are the best and you will fail against us!
Bobbie Blobby: Anybody else not liking these red eyes?
Action Axel: I think whatever Slobot did to split himself up messed up his system!
Bobbie Blobby: Oh, no. He's gonna blow.
Action Axel: We have to get Slobot back together before it's too late! Let us help you!
(Skillbot fires a blast at Action Axel, causing him to get chased by the robot)
Slobot: We do not need help. We just need to win! I am now the fastest!
(Action Axel gets on top of Skillbot)
Action Axel: You're right. You are the best. I'm proud of you, Slobot.
(Slobot hears what Action Axel said and he starts to smile)
Slobot: Proud of me? (He turns his head around to face Action Axel)
Action Axel: Of course! I always am, because I'm your friend. And you're my friend too, the one, true you. You might be stronger, faster, and more skillful this way, but you've lost what makes you, well… you.
Slobot: This is not a win. I have made an error.
(An alarm goes off)
Action Axel: Uh-oh! Alarms are never good!
(Skillbot, Strongbot, and Staminabot all start to get overheat. Strongbot and Staminabot are about to get back together, but static electricity appear between the two parts which prevent them from doing so)
Sarge Charge: If we don't get the parts back together pronto, he's gonna go up in smoke!
Slobot: Axel, I may need help. I cannot control my different parts.
Action Axel: Don't worry, buddy. That's what friends are for! (He jumps down from Skillbot just when it hovers above Strongbot. Skillbot suddenly fires out another blast to Action Axel) Masko! Bearbarian! New challenge! Who can make Slobot one again fastest?
Masko and Bearbarian: Game on!
(Masko places his right arm onto Galileo's hands)
Masko: Hold this, yes?
Galileo: Done.
Bearbarian: Ready, Masko?
Masko: I ready!
Bearbarian: Axel, in position!
(Bearbarian tosses Masko up to where Skillbot is)
Action Axel: Let's do this! (He grabs Masko's left hand and starts skating around the three robot parts) Got you!
Masko: This stretch hurt my tummy!
(Meanwhile, Bearbarian, Sarge, and Galileo all hold onto Masko's other hand)
Sarge Charge: Hold on, soldier! (Masko's left arm holds the three robot parts into place) Now! Pull!
Action Axel: Stay with us, Slobot! (The toys all pull the arms very hard that causes the three robot parts to get back together) Yes! We did it! (The toys all cheer in delight as Slobot turns back to normal. Slobot gets out of Skillbot and rolls onto Strongbot's arm to where its hand is) Victory!
(Strongbot lowers its hand down to get Slobot back onto the floor)
Slobot: I... am... slow again.
(Action Axel hugs Slobot)
Action Axel: Yeah, back to your old self. Back to being one of us! We all win!
Masko: Maybe not all of us.
(Bobbie had created a red clay trophy for Slobot)
Bobbie Blobby: I hate the mushy stuff, but you'll always be a champ to us.
Slobot: I would like to thank everyone who made this moment… (The clay trophy explodes, leaving the clay all over Slobot's face) ...possible.
Bobbie Blobby: Hmm. Oops?
Action Axel: Bobbie!
Slobot: It is all right. I am one of the team. Ha, ha!
(The Power Players all laugh, with Slobot laughing in a slow manner)


ve Transcripts
Season 1
Unboxing Part 1Unboxing Part 2Attack of Thermometron 9000The Dynamo DynamicAccess DeniedSwing Set Jet SetSide KickedPorcupunk RockAll Trick No TreatIced OutGathering DarkBobbie Not BlobbySand TrapDodge CityThe Best TeamJoyrideSavage AxelThe Scratch PackKnockoutSarge in ChargeThe Other SideBear-Knuckle BrawlSaving Private MaskoOn Your ToesFriends WarThat Slobot is No Bot of MineBowling for BallersCountdownJoke's On You, Bro!Out Of My HeadFreeze!King AxelThe Trojan BearThirst For PowerParty OnBringing Up BabyStretched Too ThinFrom BelowWinner Takes AllPrepare For the WorstStuck On YouOpposites AttractThe Thing in the WallMadtrapTo Tame the Perilous Skies!Four Color FalloutGrin and Bear ItGreen with EnvyBring on the Bad GuysSpies Like UsReturn of Thermometron 9000Just Like Robots
A Titan ShowdownA Great HideoutEmergencyPower ChefBoo!Sarge ChargeGalileoMaskoBearbarianBobbie BlobbyBeware of the LukaSlobotZoeFor Elite OnlyRide'EmMake OverMadcapAxelThe Banister of Victory
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