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Sarge Charge Final Icon Transparent This page is a transcript for "Slobot". Feel free to edit or add to this page as long as the information comes directly from the episode.
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Scene: Axel's room. The Power Players are all watching Action Axel interviewing Slobot.

Galileo (from video): We're rolling!
Action Axel (from video): Yeah! Slobot, why don't you tell us what you do on the Power Players team?
Slobot (from video): Of course! Well, you see, Axel, I am kind of like the team's rearguard. The last defense some may say. Although my pace does not allow me to follow my teammates in the field to fight the enemies, I am still here to make the job easier for them. So, I also build new accessories or new weapons.
(The Power Players are all amazed by the video)
Masko: Mmm.
Slobot (from video): Which mostly were I would say 90% of the time. Nobody's perfect. (The video footage suddenly buffers) Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
Bobbie Blobby: Huh?
Bearbarian: Huh?
Sarge Charge: Huh?
Masko: Huh?
Axel: So, how did you do it?
Galileo: I just sped the tape up a little. It's quite simple when you know your stuff. (chuckles) You were right. I think he likes it.
Slobot: Approval.
Action Axel (from video): Well, thank you, Slobot, for this very... um... detailed interview. And see you soon, friends. Next time, we'll be back with another Power Player.
Slobot (from video): Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
(The video ends)
Slobot: Excellent... interview... it is... 100%... me!
(Axel and Galileo did a fist-bump, making the two chuckle)


ve Transcripts
Season 1
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