This page is a transcript for "Four Color Fallout". Feel free to edit or add to this page as long as the information comes directly from the episode. |
Previous: "To Tame the Perilous Skies!" |
Next: "Grin and Bear It" |
Scene: Axel's room. Axel is laying down on hs bed and is reading a Bot-Guy comic book.
Axel: "The odds against him. Bot-Guy stares down his adversaries, who stare right back! Undeterred, Bot-Guy leaps! Eat gear. Roto-Punch. Yeah! But the volcano still smoldered! No! The Portal Blaster! Sorry, volcano, but where there's smoke, there's fire! The portal opened, Bot-Guy leapt free of danger and back to his own world!" Bot-Guy does it again!
Bobbie Blobby: Great.
Axel: Huh?
(Axel looks to his left and sees the Power Players are in the middle of building a paper volcano)
Bobbie Blobby: Think of a little help here now?
Sarge Charge: This volcano simulation is your homework, kid, no ours!
Galileo: You said you were going to "Check out the volcano in your comic book for inspiration".
Masko: Over one full hour the go!
Axel: But I--
Slobot: One hour, two minutes and seven seconds to be precise.
Axel: Ah! Sorry, guys. It's just that Bot-Guy is so cool! I can't stop reading this comic even though it's written in spy code only a true fan can read!
Bearbarian: Bot-Guy? Since when do robots make great warriors? No offense, Slobot.
Slobot: It hurts, Bearbarian. But it is also accurate.
Axel: He was a man before he was bitten by a radioactive robot!
Bobbie Blobby: Sure. That happens a lot.
(Bobbie, Masko, Bearbarian, and Slobot all get back to work on the volcano)
Axel: Come on, Bobbie! Bot-Guy's the greatest secret agent in the world! Look, it says so right in the comic!
Galileo: What? Junior Genetic Spy Lizards are the greatest secret agent toys in the world! It says so in all of Uncle Andrew's design documents!
Sarge Charge: Words don't make something true. Actions make the hero.
Axel: Exactly, Sarge Charge! So, I'll show you some of Bot-Guy's moves, then you and Galileo can see how great they are!
(After transforming, Action Axel lands on the ground and starts doing Bot-Guy's moves)
Action Axel: Bot-Land! Bot-Kick! Bot-chops!
Galileo: We'll see who deserves the title of "most famous secret agent"!
Masko: Hmm?
Bobbie Blobby: You do get that "most famous secret agent" makes no sense whatsoever, right?
Masko: A challenge between real hero and the paper hero? Masko stay on the work.
Bobbie Blobby: Outsies.
Bearbarian: I will continue to build the volcano once you are finished.
Slobot: Ditto.
(Masko, Bobbie, Bearbarian, and Slobot all leave the room)
Sarge Charge: I always do my duty. And you need a marshal for this challenge.
Action Axel: Don't worry, Gal. I'm gonna go easy on you as I kick bot! (He charges forward to kick Galileo, but the latter grabs his leg) Whoa! (He lands on the floor)
Galileo: That's Bot-Guy's legendary kick?
Action Axel: I didn't... want to... hurt you.
Galileo: Oooh! I'm shaking in my scales!
(Action Axel and Galileo both resume their play fighting)
Action Axel: Robot chop!
Galileo: Lizard Leap!
Action Axel: Android attack!
Galileo: Scale kick!
(Action Axel grabs a Rubik cube while Galileo grabs a can of tomato soup)
Action Axel: Robot whatever thingy!
(Action Axel throws the Rubik cube at Galileo, knocking him back. Galileo gets back onto his feet and throws the tomato soup can at Action Axel, but the latter punches it away)
Galileo: Tail Thrash!
(The tomato soup can nearly hit Sarge, so the latter pulls out his whistle to stop the play fighting)
Sarge Charge: Huh! (blows his whistle) Timeout for unsportsmanlike conduct! You're friends, remember?
(Galileo and Action Axel both turn their backs against each other)
Action Axel: Hmm.
(Unbeknownst to the three Power Players, Madcap is spying them from outside the bedroom window)
Madcap: If Action Axel's comic book can cause this much trouble between the team, I need to read it... Madcap's way.
(Madcap fires Minergy at the comic book, causing it to glow into a sickly green hue. Action Axel, Galileo, and Sarge all notice the comic book's change of hue)
Sarge Charge: Whoa!
Action Axel: Wow!
Galileo: Oh... my!
(Action Axel, Galileo, and Sarge all get warp into the pages of the comic book)
Scene: Minergized comic book. The setting looks a lot like Axel's room, though the background is in a lower saturation
Action Axel: Minergy?
Sarge Charge: Madcap?
(The three Power Players are all transformed into a comic-book style) What in formation? Say, you look kind of funny.
Galileo: Everything looks funny! And what's with these lines?
(Galileo points at the comic panel they're in outline. He gets out of the panel and goes to another one)
Action Axel: Gal, wait! We don't know what they--
Galileo: Axel! Come look!
(Sarge and Action Axel both follow Galileo and the three are at the panel that's on the right)
Sarge Charge: It's another part of your bedroom!
Galileo: And there's another border over her! (The three go to another panel that's below them) And up there, too!
Action Axel: Whoa! Guys, we're in my comic book! Ha!
(Four exclamation points appear on top of the three Power Players)
Madcap: Correction. You're in my comic book!
Scene: Axel's room, outside the comic book. Madcap is reading the comic book on Axel's bed.
Action Axel: Madcap!
Madcap: Pretty fun, huh? Leave your Power Bandz in one of the panels and I'll let you out, Axel. Otherwise, you'll be trapped forever!
Scene: Minergized comic book.
Action Axel: You still want my Bandz?
Galileo: Really? He's obsessed. He really talk to a specialist about that.
Action Axel: We didn't give in last time.
Sarge Charge: Or the time before that. Or ever.
Action Axel: And we won't be starting now!
Madcap: Then you'll never make it to the end of this story, but I will! Ha, ha!
Action Axel: Sarge, situation report.
Sarge Charge: Hmm. From what I can tell. I'd say our world has merged with the one in your comic book, we're trapped here and Madcap is watching us.
Action Axel: Didn't we already know all that? I meant, what's your analysis?
(Sarge fake-coughs)
Sarge Charge: Completely doomed. No hope.
Action Axel: Wait a minute! If our two worlds merged, then all we have to do is finish the comic-book story. We find the portal blaster, like Bot-Guy did, and it'll take us right back home!
Galileo: The portal blaster? Sounds dangerous!
Action Axel: It is, but that's what Bot-Guy uses to escape. I know the story by heart! Follow me!
Scene: Axel's room, outside the comic book.
(Madcap laughs evilly as he continues reading the comic book to see what the three Power Players are doing inside. However, after he notices that all he sees are the three are searching for the portal blaster and not doing anything else, he begins to feel bored)
Madcap: Grr! (He starts flipping the pages) These comic-book traps stink! When does the real fun start? Ah! Here we go!
Scene: Minergized comic book.
Sarge Charge: Serious mission, kid. We're flat. Maybe less fun, more focus?
Action Axel: Why? It's super cool to be in the adventure I've read so many times!
Galileo: Your acting isn't convincing. You just think you're not-so-super hero will appear.
(Action Axel gasps)
Action Axel: You think Bot-Guy is in here too?
Galileo: Definitely! He's been spying on us since page three. (He points at Bot-Guy who appears out of his hiding place behind the paper volcano) Takes an agent to know one.
(Action Axel shoves Galileo aside and approaches Bot-Guy)
Action Axel: Bot-Guy! I'm Axel! Your biggest fan! I've... (But Bot-Guy ignores him and walks past him) I've read all your comics! And... And...
(Bot-Guy noticeably glitches out and teleports next to Sarge and Galileo)
Bot-Guy: Friend or foe, soldier?
Sarge Charge: Neither. Captives. Looking for a way outta here.
Galileo: Not even a simple "Hello", Bot-Guy? Say what you like, but at least I don't have a big head, even though I am a world-famous Junior Genetic Spy Lizard and my show was on TV!
Action Axel: Yeah, but your character isn't in the show, remember? So...
Galileo: It hurts, but it's true! Mr. Robotoman? How about a selfie? One famous agent to another? It's for my blog!
(Galileo is about to take a selfie, but Action Axel stops him)
Action Axel: Gal, don't bother Bot-Guy! But since you have your camera, how about a pic of us instead? (Bot-Guy teleports away from him) Hey!
Bot-Guy: A hero of my caliber has no time for fan service.
Action Axel: Ah!
Madcap: And a hero of your caliber deserves better than the flat, four-color world you're trapped in! So why help them escape when you could do it for yourself?
Bot-Guy: Who goes there? Show yourself!
Action Axel: That's Madcap, a really bad toy who wants my Power Bandz so he can take over the world.
Madcap: And if you secure them for me, Bot-Guy, I'll make you my right-hand bot! We'll rule the world of humans together! Take control of your destiny and write your own adventure!
Action Axel: Forget it, Madcap! He's the greatest hero in the whole world! He'd never--
(Bot-Guy punches Action Axel right through the comic panel. Action Axel crashes into the wall that's underneath his bed)
Bot-Guy: Hand over the Bandz, kid.
Action Axel: What? Bot-Guy!
(Sarge and Galileo both get to where Action Axel is)
Sarge Charge: Axel! You okay?
Galileo: I'll handle this two-dimensional buffoon!
Action Axel: No. You two have gotta find the portal blaster in the story. Besides, I've always wanted to do this! All right, Bot-Guy! Let's see what you got!
Bot-Guy: Gladly.
Galileo: Where do we look for the blaster?
Action Axel: Bot-Guy attacked us in the middle of the story, so he doesn't have it with him yet. Get it at the volcano. (He starts fighting with Bot-Guy) Go to the cliffhanger, at the end of the comic! That's where--
Sarge Charge: Good plan. We've got orders, lizard!
(Sarge and Galileo both get out of Axel's bed and heads to the paper volcano)
Action Axel: All right, Bot-Guy, let's see what happens when your moves aren't all sneak attacks!
Bot-Guy: To break out of this confinement, I'll show you moves, up close and personal.
Action Axel: I gotta warn you, Bot-Guy. I know all your moves by heart.
Bot-Guy: Yeah? Then let's see you try and stop them!
(Action Axel and Bot-Guy both continue their fight. However, Bot-Guy would constantly teleport himself to another location during the fight. When Action Axel kicks Bot-Guy upwards and the former leaps up to punch him, Bot-Guy teleports himself back onto the floor and he's about to fire an energy blast at him)
Action Axel: Huh? Okay, maybe I don't know all your moves! Whoa! Cool!
Bot-Guy: Surprise!
Action Axel: I mean, oh, no!
(Bot-Guy's energy blast appears out of the pages of the comic book and Madcap witnesses it exploded into fireworks)
Madcap: Ah! Ah! Mmm. Ooh! Pretty! Now, finish him!
(Sarge and Galileo both make it to the paper volcano. Sarge pulls out his grappling hook)
Galileo: Axel said we'd find Bot-Guy's device here, but I wonder how all this is going to end! It's so exciting!
(Sarge throws his grappling hook up to the volcano)
Sarge Charge: No idea. I never read comic books. Too far-fetched! Now move out! (He and Galileo both climb on top of the volcano) Now where do you think the portal blaster is?
(Sarge and Galileo both notice a ball of green energy nearby)
Galileo: Look!
Sarge Charge: How do we get over there?
Galileo: Like secret agents.
(Madcap watches as Action Axel is still fighting with Bot-Guy)
Madcap: Ha, ha!
(Galileo and Sarge both walk onto the ledge of the volcano to retrieve the portal blaster. Sarge grabs it)
Galileo: It was pretty easy to reach the climax of this story.
(Suddenly, the volcano starts erupting)
Sarge Charge: Uh-oh!
Galileo: Oh! Spoke too soon! Run!
(Galileo and Sarge both get down from the volcano)
Bot-Guy: The volcano! What have you done?
Action Axel: Looks like we're at the end of your story!
(Action Axel kicks Bot-Guy and knocks him down)
Bot-Guy: Wait! It was... a test! I wanted to see if you were worthy, and you are.
Action Axel: I'm not falling for that.
Bot-Guy: Did you ever think of becoming a secret agent? I want you to be my sidekick.
Action Axel: Me? That's like... my dream! I mean, I already have a great team, but maybe you could teach my friend Galileo how to--
(Bot-Guy punches Action Axel up)
Madcap: What a sucker punch! (Action Axel briefly pops out of the page but he lands on the next one) This comic book is quite the page-turner!
Bot-Guy: First thing I'll teach your friend is not to be distracted!
(Galileo wraps his tail around Bot-Guy)
Galileo: Clarification. The teacher here... moi. The one about to get schooled... (He flings Bot-Guy into the volcano) Vous!
(Bot-Guy grabs onto the ledge before he falls in. But when he looks up, he sees a ball of paper magma rock falling towards him)
Bot-Guy: What? (The paper magma rock lands near him, causing him to fall off the ledge and into the volcano) Aaah!
Galileo: Who's your favorite spy hero now?
Action Axel: You, Gal, and... Oh, no!
(Sarge pulls out the portal blaster)
Sarge Charge: Retreat! Double time!
(Sarge creates a portal from the portal blaster and Action Axel and Galileo both get inside. But before Sarge follows them, he tosses the portal blaster aside)
Scene: Axel's room, outside the comic book. Sarge, Action Axel, and Galileo all pop out of the comic book and punches Madcap into the wall.
Action Axel, Sarge Charge, and Galileo: Madcap!
Madcap: Fun story! I think I prefer movies, though! Ta-ta!
(Madcap leaves the room through the open window, laughing evilly along the way)
Action Axel: That's right!
(Action Axel detransforms back into his human form)
Galileo: Well, I have to admit, Bot-Guy was pretty cool.
Axel: Ah, he's just a hero on paper. You guys are real heroes in 3D!
Galileo: So, we all agree then? I'm the world's greatest secret agent?
(Just then, Masko, Bobbie, and Bearbarian all return)
Bobbie Blobby: Yeah... if you've finished congratulating each other?
Bearbarian: We still have a volcano project to...
(One of the paper rock magma bounces on Masko's head)
Masko: Oh, no! It's already the blow! We start over. Again.
Axel: Nah, it's my work, guys. And a hero has to meet his responsibilities! Game on!