Power Players Wiki
Sarge Charge Final Icon Transparent This page is a transcript for "Bring on the Bad Guys". Feel free to edit or add to this page as long as the information comes directly from the episode.
Previous: "Green with Envy"
Next: "Spies Like Us"
[ Theme Song ]

Scene: Backyard of the Toy Store. Axel, Zoe, and Luka are all playing catch with a flying disc.

Luka: Think fast, Zoe!
(Zoe catches the flying disc)
Zoe: Think faster!
(Zoe throws the flying disc and Luka catches it)
Luka: Not bad! Show us what you got, Axel!
Axel: Oh, I got... (He suddenly sneezes, but the flying disc accidentally hits him in the head and makes him fall down) Ow! (He sneezes again)
Zoe: Axel, you really should go lay down.
(Axel gets back onto his feet)
Axel: I'm not sick! (He sneezes)
Zoe: Obviously.
Luka: Maybe he's allergic to my cannon arm, 'cause I threw that really far!
Axel: Ha, ha! You wish, Luka! I'm not allergic. I never felt better! (He accidentally sneezes on the flying disc) Atchoo!
Zoe: Hmm...
(Zoe walks away from Axel while he sniffs)
Luka: I'm not afraid I'll catch your cold if I touch that. I just think I remembered... I've got chores! Bye!
(Luka immediately leaves the backyard)
Zoe: Luka! Oh... (She walks to Axel) Sick people need rest.
Axel: But--
Zoe: Now.
Axel: Aw, man. Atchoo!
(Zoe pushes Axel to get him to his room)

Scene: Axel's room. Zoe makes Axel go to bed.

Axel: But...
Zoe: No buts. Get in.
(Axel groans, but he gets into bed and Zoe tucks him in. Nearby, Galileo is spying on Madcap, Orangutank, Porcupunk, and Princess SugarSalt from a security camera near a supermarket)
Galileo: Junior Genetic Spy Lizard. Enhance. Oh! Code red!
Zoe: Galileo! Shh!
Galileo: It's--
Zoe: Whatever it is, keep it down. Axel needs to recover.
Galileo: But a code red is so much less dramatic when you whisper it! (Zoe growls at him) Fine. (Later, the Power Players are meeting up to see the emergency Galileo saw) Madcap and his minions are casing the grocery store. Luckily, it's closed on Sundays, but that won't hold them for long.
Sarge Charge: Porcupunk, SugarSalt, and Orangutank? Lotta toy power for a food op.
Bearbarian: Grr! Whatever they are setting up, I want to shut down.
Masko: Maybe they just for buying the grapes?
(The Power Players glance at Masko)
Bobbie Blobby: Hmm.
Bearbarian: Grr...
(Sarge grunts)
Masko: Eh? Or maybe the not. (He chuckles nervously)
(Axel gets out of bed)
Axel: That sounds like a job for some Power Players. (He groans) Game... Atchoo... on! Atchoo!
(Axel collapses on the floor)
Sarge Charge: Sorry, you're on medical leave. We'll manage without you.
Axel: No, but--
Zoe: Axel. If you won't listen to me, please listen to Sarge.
(Zoe gets Axel back in bed. Sarge places a thermometer in Axel's mouth as well as a towel on his head before he gets onto Bearbarian's Monster Jeep. The Power Players all fasten their seatbelts before Bearbarian steps on the gas pedal and drives out of the room. Zoe watches the Power Players leave before she recieves a notification from her phone)
Zoe: My mom's texting me for dinner. Slobot, keep an eye on Axel, huh?
(Zoe leaves the room. Slobot, who's on the table near Axel's bed, turns on the handheld fan)
Slobot: I will take good care of him. What should...? (He sees Zoe closes the room door) Oh... I am glad you have heeded Zoe's advice.
Axel: You kidding? (He gets out of bed) It'll take more than some cold to make me sit out a mission. Atchoo!

[Transformation Sequence]

Axel: Game on! (Axel transforms into Action Axel)

(Action Axel falls onto his bed)
Slobot: But Zoe said that you--
Action Axel: Don't worry. (He coughs) I'm totally fine. (He gets onto the floor and runs to a nearby window) Power Drone, I'm fine! (His armor briefly short-circuited) Oh! Whoa! (He jumps out of the window)
Slobot: Oh, my!
(Slobot watches Action Axel activates his Power Drone and flies himself into the sky to head to the supermarket)
Action Axel: Atchoo! Atchoo!
Slobot: Probability that I should worry nonetheless, 99 percent.

Scene: Supermarket. Madcap and his minions are inside.

Porcupunk: What we doin' here, Madcap? No toys in a greengrocer's.
Madcap: Patience, my four-legged cactus. (He reveals to his minions a picture of a toy dinosaur) In every one of these cereal boxes, there's a different brick to collect. When you put them together, you get a Minergizable robot!
Princess SugarSalt: You're going to wake up a new toy friend for us? How delightful! Can't wait to see it tear this place apart!
Madcap: Exactly!
(The villains all laugh evilly. The Power Players all enter the supermarket by the front door)
Masko: Not so the fast!
Sarge Charge: You're not adding to your ranks. Not if we have anything to say about it.
(Madcap laughs evilly)
Madcap: Aren't you missing something? Your leader, perhaps?
Bearbarian: Hmm? When we finish with you, the only thing missing will be that laugh.
Galileo: Power Players, time for... action! (He throws a disc and it hits Porcupunk) For the fans. (He takes a selfie) Wink!
(Orangutank pounces up)
Orangutank: Orangutank not on social media! (He throws two razor discs at Galileo)
Galileo: Orangutank! Oh, my! (He dodges the first razor disc, but when he climbs up a nearby shelf full of cereal boxes, the second disc hits the shelf and breaks it, causing Galileo to fall down onto the floor) Whoa!
Madcap: Porcupunk, SugarSalt, get them!
Sarge Charge: Gotta coordinate our attacks, team! (Bearbarian and Masko both charge forward) Huh?
Masko: I go the next!
Bearbarian: Leave them to me!
Porcupunk: How about both? Yeah!
(Porcupunk fires out his quills at Masko and Bearbarian)
Masko: Aaah! (Bearbarian slams World Breaker onto the floor to knock the quills away from him, but he accidentally causes Masko to fly into a shelf where Galileo is at) Whoa!
Bearbarian: Uh-oh!
(Masko crashes into Galileo who's climbing the shelf, causing all the cereal boxes to fall down onto them)
Masko: Aaah!
(Masko and Galileo both land onto the floor)
Porcupunk: Lost without your leader, are ya? Poor babies.
Bobbie Blobby: Don't call me baby!
(Bobbie fires a ball of clay at Porcupunk, but Orangutank catches it and throws it at a pile of soup cans, which causes the clay ball to bounce and lands onto Sarge's head)
Sarge Charge: Oh! Lights out! Mayday!
(Galileo and Masko both help pull the clay ball off of Sarge's head. Just then, Action Axel arrives)
Action Axel: Don't worry! (He coughs) Sarge, I got you! (He lands on top of a pile of oranges) Whoa! That's right, Action Axel is in the... Atchoo!
Bobbie Blobby: Uh... Should've stayed in bed.
Action Axel: I'm fine, Bobbie! (He coughs, causing himself to slip and fall off the orange pile) Whoa!
(The oranges all roll towards the Power Players)
Bobbie Blobby: Orange avalanche!
(An orange rolls towards the villains. Orangutank grabs the orange and he's about to eat it, but Madcap steals it from him. Madcap laughs evilly)
Madcap: This is fun! What are you waiting for? Go get me those bricks! We have a dinosaur to build! Ha, ha, ha, ha!
(The villains all head to the cereal aisle to search for the dinosaur bricks)
Bobbie Blobby: Who's hungry?
(The Power Players all get out of the orange pile. Masko stretches his arm and grabs Action Axel out of it)
Action Axel: Yeah! Let's do this!
Masko: But you feeling the yucky.
Action Axel: Me? Never felt... (He coughs) ...better! Power Sword! (He takes out his Power Sword) Watch this! (He charges towards the villains, but he suddenly sneezes onto the helmet of his armor) Atchoo!
Madcap: Gross!
(Suddenly, Action Axel's armor short-circuited as a result of his sneeze)
Action Axel: Aaah! Guys? Something's up with my suit!
Sarge Charge: Looks like that sneeze scrambled the Minergy in his armor! It's almost like--
Bobbie Blobby: A virus.
(Action Axel's transformaton into a villain has completed)
Masko: Maybe you should go back to the bed now?
Action Axel: Don't tell me what to do, stretchy.
Bearbarian: It is for your own good. Even mighty warriors need recuperation.
Action Axel: Oh, you don't need me, is that it?
Masko: He not say that. What is wrong with--?
(Masko stretches his arm to grab Action Axel's shoulder, but he summons a blast)
Action Axel: Well, maybe I don't need you, either!
Madcap: Everyone! Take five! This is gonna be killer!
(Madcap grabs a cereal box and starts eating the flakes. The villains all watch as the chaos unfold between evil Action Axel and his teammates. Action Axel fires a Minergy blast at the Power Players, but they manage to dodge it just in time. Sarge and Masko both try to stop Action Axel, but he kicks them away)
Action Axel: Guess who's next?
(Bobbie creates a clay wall as a shield to protect herself and her teammates)
Bobbie Blobby: I don't like quizzes.
Galileo: Ooh! Good going, Bobbie!
Action Axel: What? Afraid of "sick" little me?
(Action Axel summons a large Minergy blast from his armor's chest and shatters the clay wall)
Bobbie Blobby: Bearbarian! World-Break him!
(Bearbarian recalls World Breaker)
Bearbarian: I cannot pummel my friend!
Action Axel: You won't get a chance to.
(Action Axel gets into the center of the Power Players and summons a large blast attack that knocks everyone aside)
Bobbie Blobby: Not cool!
Madcap: Kid's got a dark side! Who knew? And all thanks to a little cold! Perhaps this problem will handle itself. Or not. Enough rubbernecking! Go get my dinosaur!
(Madcap's henchmen all split up to continue their mission to find the dinosaur parts inside the cereal boxes while Madcap stays behind to continue watching the fight)
Sarge Charge: Split mission! Save the kid and stop the enemy!
Bearbarian: Leave Axel to me!
Action Axel: You? What are you gonna do? "Cute" me to death?
(Action Axel pounces up and Bearbarian does the same. He grabs Action Axel and hugs him very tight to hold onto him to prevent him from further attacking his teammates)
Bearbarian: Do not call me "cute"! You need to calm yourself.
(The rest of the Power Players are charging towards Orangutank. Orangutank knocks down another pile of oranges as ammos against them. Sarge catches one of the oranges)
Sarge Charge: Artillery at twelve o'clock!
(Sarge throws the orange at Princess SugarSalt, causing her to fall down onto the floor. Bobbie fires out ball of clays at Porcupunk's back quills to prevent him from firing them out. Masko, using himself as a slingshot, launches multiple oranges as ammos and hits Orangutank. Meanwhile, Bearbarian is still holding onto Action Axel)
Bearbarian: It'll take more than some virus to break our bond of friendship! Still yourself!
Action Axel: Go take a hike! Or a flight!
(Action Axel activates his jet-boots and carries Bearbarian into the air. He slams Bearbarian onto the ceiling before throwing him back down onto the floor. Action Axel gets onto his Power Drone and watches Bearbarian slams into another aisle)
Bearbarian: Such strength... impossible!
Action Axel: Totally possible, softy!
(While Bearbarian and Action Axel are fighting each other, the rest of the Power Players are fighting against the villains. Bobbie opens a vent door and Masko tores a pipe from a nearby freezer)
Sarge Charge: Time to cool down, chumps!
(Sarge fires out ice at the villains, trapping them into place)
Princess SugarSalt: Cold! I hate cold!
Orangutank: Stop complianing and help us break out of this ice!
Bearbarian: If you're done with your snowball fight, I need all hands over here!
Bobbie Blobby: Hello? We still have Madcap?
(The four Power Players all rush to where Bearbarian and Action Axel are)
Masko: Which to do? Stop the Madcap or help the Axel?
Sarge Charge: Madcap's got the bricks, but he still needs time to put 'em together. We need our leader back ASAP!
(The Power Players all see Madcap assembling the brick parts together before they stop in front of Bearbarian and Action Axel)
Bobbie Blobby: Anyone know a cure for the common cold?
Galileo: Doesn't Vitamin C help? Oranges have tons!
Masko: You think they sell here?
Galileo: Ahem! (He points at an orange Masko happens to be sitting on) Hmm? Hmm?
Masko: Oh! Oh!
(Masko realizes he's sitting on an orange and he does an embarrassed laugh. The Power Players all rush to where Bearbarian and Action Axel are. Galileo is carrying an orange)
Sarge Charge: We've lost Bearbarian!
Bearbarian: Not lost! Just need more hands!
(Galileo passes the orange to Sarge)
Galileo: When life hands you oranges?
Bobbie Blobby: Juice 'em.
(Sarge throws the orange to Bearbarian)
Sarge Charge: Incoming!
(Bearbarian hits the orange with World Breaker, causing to fly up and hits the ceiling. The orange juice falls down from the ceiling above Action Axel)
Action Axel: That's your plan? To juice me? (The orange juice has landed onto his armor, but he doesn't notice) Ha! You guys don't get it. But you're gonna.
(Action Axel marches to the Power Players)
Bobbie Blobby: Not good.
Sarge Charge: The juice isn't getting through! Bearbarian! Masko! Double down! (Masko charges forward and holds onto Action Axel as tight as possible. Galileo places a straw into another orange and points the straw towards Action Axel. Sarge gets onto the orange to position it) Ready! Aim! Juice it!
Bearbarian: Aye!
(Bearbarian slams World Breaker onto the orange, causing it to squirt out juice at Action Axel)
Masko: You like the juice? (He opens Action Axel's helmet shield) 'Cause...
Action Axel: Huh?
(The juice pushes Action Axel and Masko into a shelf, causing various items to fall onto them)
Action Axel and Masko: Aaah!
Galileo: Something's happening!
Bobbie Blobby: Yeah, but something good or...?
(Action Axel gets out of the pile, revealing that he has turned back to his heroic self)
Action Axel: Uh, guys, what's going on? Who spilled the orange juice? Atchoo!
Masko: He sick again! Yay!
Bearbarian: Good. Now we have a battle to win.
(Behind the Power Players, Madcap have just finished building the toy with the bricks)
Madcap: Almost... Finally! Welcome to the world, my new minion! (He realizes that the toy he assembled is not a dinosaur, but instead of a surfer) Uh-oh! What is this? What?
Bobbie Blobby: Looks like the dinosaur was last month's prize. (Bearbarian laughs in amusement) Love your surfboard, though.
(Action Axel gets behind a shelf in front of Madcap and he's about to push it down)
Action Axel: You want cereal, Madcap? Here you go!
Madcap: If only I knew how to surf! (The shelf falls onto him) Aaah!
(The Power Players all laugh in amusement)
Bobbie Blobby: More junks for clean up!
Masko: Yay!
(The Power Players all get out of the supermarket)
Action Axel: Bad guys down. Now we have to look into fixing this.
(The Power Players all laugh again while Action Axel transforms back into his human form)

Scene: Axel's room. Zoe has return to see Axel and now the Power Players all sick in bed.

Zoe: How you feeling?
Axel: Better already! Whaddaya say we...? Atchoo! On second thought... (groans)
Zoe: Exactly. Text if you need anything.
Bearbarian: I am going with Zoe. Toys do not get sick! Atchoo! Well, perhaps just a litle nap?
(Zoe chuckles before she leaves the room and turns off the bedroom lights to let Axel and his toys all sleep)


ve Transcripts
Season 1
Unboxing Part 1Unboxing Part 2Attack of Thermometron 9000The Dynamo DynamicAccess DeniedSwing Set Jet SetSide KickedPorcupunk RockAll Trick No TreatIced OutGathering DarkBobbie Not BlobbySand TrapDodge CityThe Best TeamJoyrideSavage AxelThe Scratch PackKnockoutSarge in ChargeThe Other SideBear-Knuckle BrawlSaving Private MaskoOn Your ToesFriends WarThat Slobot is No Bot of MineBowling for BallersCountdownJoke's On You, Bro!Out Of My HeadFreeze!King AxelThe Trojan BearThirst For PowerParty OnBringing Up BabyStretched Too ThinFrom BelowWinner Takes AllPrepare For the WorstStuck On YouOpposites AttractThe Thing in the WallMadtrapTo Tame the Perilous Skies!Four Color FalloutGrin and Bear ItGreen with EnvyBring on the Bad GuysSpies Like UsReturn of Thermometron 9000Just Like Robots
A Titan ShowdownA Great HideoutEmergencyPower ChefBoo!Sarge ChargeGalileoMaskoBearbarianBobbie BlobbyBeware of the LukaSlobotZoeFor Elite OnlyRide'EmMake OverMadcapAxelThe Banister of Victory
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