An Idea for the future to share with @Eaprobinson2001 @Douzey @KING-MERA and @LilAnna UwU
Bio: Launch Pad is a robot toy built in the modern world brought to life by Minergy to act as a Tech Engineer for Yukanna Hito's Power Players Team after befriending Slobot
Appearance: he resembles a robot with yellow and red colors, headphones on his head, 3-digit fingers and a friction-less wheel for a leg while having the Power Players Logo on his chest
Abilities: he utilizes his wheel to Maximize his speed and travel across the ground, spawn Sentry drones from his arm plates as back up and can convert electricity he collects into powerful shots or shift his hands into weapons
Personality: he is quite curious about electromagnetic forces and wants to study them as a scientist and always follows order from Sarge Charge and likes the company of strong toys like Bearbarian
Fun Fact: he is inspired by Manga Charge from Skylanders Swap Force