More Power Players OCs for My Fan Seasons to share with @LilAnna UwU and @Douzey
Buzzclaw is a toy recalled for sharp hazards and part of the Gamma Players, a lumberjack robot with buzzsaw hands, he is quite good at what he does, but goes on a saw-crazy frenzy in the presence of wood.
Crossbone is a big mass of bone and muscle bought by Axel who strikes with two bones as weapons as a shadow powered Warrior. He loves a good fight, as well as a good skeleton joke and is a member of the Rainbow Players led by Anna Chan.
Zarkane is a dark wizard fighter who loves to be mysterious, but cant quite pull it off due to his dramatic flair. Armed with two blades of Shadow, he is still a force to be reckoned with when fighting for Don Octopollo and his group of bad toys called R.I.O.T.