A gift for @LilAnna UwU as i decided to give her Power Players Sona a team of Power Players to call her own
Foot Fight is a member of the Power Players who is very good at kicking techniques due to the fact that he has five feet. An amazing kicker, he can infuse his feet with lightning, making it so he can go toe-to-toe with just about anyone. IT is said that this Lightning Warrior Toy taught Many Toys like Clawsome Teddy and Bobbie Blobby everything he knows about martial arts involving kicks.
Lux Aura is a superhero with power over Light and is Anna Chan's Second in Command. She can infuse her fists with light energy or shoot blinding beams of hard light at anyone. She is a calm but humor-loving hero. But she is often at odds with her sister. Dusk Aura due to their differing views on which element is stronger:Light or Shadow.
Dusk Aura is a Shadow warrior who is Four-Armed and Dangerous. She can infuse her fists with shadows for swift and brutal strikes or shoot damaging darkness like a beam. She values freedom and individuality, but is often butting heads with her sister Lux Aura on which element is stronger: Light or Shadow which Slobot tries to solve the problem.