Decided to do more OCs for My Fanmade Season 3-5 Ideas for Power Players to share with @LilAnna UwU @DozeryThing and @Eaprobinson2001
Booger Slugworth is a slug action figure based on a character from the Junior Genetic Spy Lizards TV Show and was later recruited into Prince Sentallade's Team, the Bravery Players after becoming friends with Porcupunk. he can make good use with his slime arms that can form into ninja weapons like katanas and throwing stars and nunchuks if ever he needs them. He also utilizes Slime bombs to act as ninja smoke bombs to switch places and confuse his opponents thus having the abilities of a real slug. he is quite good friends with Sarge Charge, Ring-a-Ling and Yin Yang Titan as he believe that nothing can stand in the way of justice and refuse to see any toys cheat like Ice Crusher, Strikeout and Touchdown Joky since cheaters never win.