More Power Players OCs for My Fan Season 3-5 ideas to share with @LilAnna UwU @DozeryThing and @Eaprobinson2001
Prince Sentallade is a prince action figure who was loved by kids for his popular looks and stylish weaponized arms and was brought to life by Minergy in Yuki's Room during a battle against Malware-Tron. he later became leader of a Team of Power Players called the Bravery Players with Porcupunk as the Communication Expert after being accepted in the team. he is skilled in fencing with his lance hands, can shoot a beam of energy from his chest and can spin into a tornado if he fully focus on his elemental abilities of Fire, Wind, Water and Earth. Miss Stitches has a stalker-like obsession with Prince Sentallade after first meeting him, much to his annoyance which is why he asked Rainy Daze to back him up and he is proud of himself and always wants to look good when battling with Dr. Toyman's Minions.
Name is a mix between Sentai and Gallade and was inspired by Gallade from Pokemon