More OCs for Power Players Fan Season 2 to share with @LilAnna UwU and @DozeryThing
These guys came from the same line as Ice Crusher: a theme of elemental athlete heroes and are also back-up members of T.E.C.H.
There is the fire power baseball player Fireball, the areokinetic baksetball player Skyjumper, and american footballer with earth powers Kickoff. The main villain for their franchise was a gangster casino owner called the Rigger . Fireball is part of the Power Players team of T.E.C.H as the speeding member while Skyjumper became a lookout member of T.E.C.H to keep an eye out for any evil toys. Kickoff is such a ruthless wining-obsessed narcissist much like Touchdown Joky that he makes the other members look bad but will show kindness towards his teammates. Fireball has a New England Accent, Kickoff has a southern drawl and Skyjumper is Hispanic.